86% Women

98% of artisans received training and learnt new skills.

10 Community groups, 100% worker satisfaction

40% of the artisans saved their earnings, and
29% invested in education, health, housing and
small businesses
Click here to download the full impact assessment report.

“I am a single mother of four. Before the Karen Walker Autumn-Winter 2017 order I did not have work. I was relying on casual labour, mainly doing laundry for my neighbours who paid very little. I was happy to work on the order as it gave me back my dignity.”
Naomi Njeri, 36 years old
“I recently graduated from University with a bachelor’s degree in financial management. I left my profession for artisanal work as it pays me better. In addition to good income I received The Karen Walker Autumn-Winter 2017 order gave me the opportunity to improve my skills especially working at the furnace.”
Erick Odhiambo, 31 years old
“I am a refugee from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. I moved here with my family after fleeing the civil war in our country. As a refugee life is really difficult, no one offers us a job opportunity and it’s difficult to meet people. I enjoyed working on the Karen Walker Autumn-Winter 2017 order as it gave me the opportunity to interact with the local community.”
Ladus Kaluta, 20 years’ old