

BG Fashion – ‘The Status of European Fashion’ conference of the European Fashion Alliance shaped the future of European fashion

The first panel moderated by Simone Cipriani, UN Alliance for Sustainable Fashion, Founder Ethical Fashion Initiative, ITC focused on policy and featured Guy Morgan, Director of Sustainability at Chanel; Henrik Vibskov, fashion designer; Ruth Reichstein, Policy Coordinator at Cabinet von der Leyen, President of the European Commission; and Julia Aruni Kirschner, Director of Impact and Innovation at Armedangels. The discussion explored the intersection of EU sustainability policy and legislation for SMEs, including insights into the Green Deal, the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR), digital passports, upcoming legislation and the international impact of EU decisions.

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Teknomers – Un nouveau guide de style durable offre un point de départ complet pour une consommation de mode plus consciente

Parmi les valeurs de durabilité à rechercher lors de l’achat de vêtements, la publication énumère, entre autres, l’économie et le discernement ; si une marque est dirigée par des femmes ou engagée en faveur de la diversité, de l’inclusion et de la représentation des voix autochtones ; s’il se concentre sur le climat, s’il est respectueux des animaux et s’il respecte les conditions de travail et leur donne de la dignité. Il est également fait référence à des organisations mondiales telles que Fashion for Good, le Slow Fashion Movement, le Global Fashion Exchange, l’Ethical Fashion Initiative, la Clean Clothes Campaign, Fashion Revolution, Remake, la Fair Wear Foundation et d’autres.

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Today’s Chronic – At European level, the creative industries are mobilising to tackle sustainability issues

“Today, two players are engaged in this process of creating value: on the one hand, the European institutions with the Green Deal, and on the other, the creative industry with the efforts it is making towards sustainability. If both continue in this direction, the whole planet will benefit,” says Simone Cipriani, active within the United Nations Alliance for Sustainable Fashion and founder of the Ethical Fashion Initiative, recalling how “Europe is an oasis, where we are thinking about a future that is possible and dignified for all.”

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Fashion Network – At European level, the creative industries are mobilising to tackle sustainability issues

“Today, two players are engaged in this process of creating value: on the one hand, the European institutions with the Green Deal, and on the other, the creative industry with the efforts it is making towards sustainability. If both continue in this direction, the whole planet will benefit,” says Simone Cipriani, active within the United Nations Alliance for Sustainable Fashion and founder of the Ethical Fashion Initiative, recalling how “Europe is an oasis, where we are thinking about a future that is possible and dignified for all.”

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Archyde – EFA Conference 2023: European Fashion Industry Unites for Sustainability and Regulation

“Today, two actors are engaged in this process of creating values, on the one hand the European institutions with the Green Deal, and on the other the creative industry with the effort it supports towards sustainability. If both continue in this direction, the whole planet will benefit”, believes Simone Cipriani, active within the United Nations Alliance for Sustainable Fashion and founder of the Ethical Fashion Initiative, recalling how “Europe is an oasis, where we think about a future that is possible and dignified for all.”

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Twyg Mag – With love and care from Burkina Faso

Based in Burkina Faso, CABES recognises the importance of social sustainability and aims to make a positive difference in the world. By focusing on providing meaningful work for community networks, especially those from marginalised groups in areas affected by climate change, insecurity, and migration, CABES contributes to social wellbeing and economic empowerment.

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IFAD – IFAD and Lesotho partner to support small-scale producers increase the value of their wool and mohair

WaMCoP will use innovative approaches like partnering with Ethical Fashion Initiative, to help re-conceptualize the cottage industry in the country and establish sustainable market linkages for intermediary and finished wool and mohair products. This will not only help the national fashion industry but also build a Basotho brand for wool and mohair fibers.

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Fiber2Fashion – IFAD & Lesotho partner to empower small-scale wool & mohair producers

To combat these issues, WaMCoP will introduce innovative approaches, including a partnership with the Ethical Fashion Initiative, to reinvigorate the cottage industry and establish sustainable market linkages. The project will also focus on implementing a responsible production certification system, adhering to global market standards and introducing traceability, thereby enhancing Lesotho’s global standing and market competitiveness, the release added.

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MF Fashion – Assopellettieri punta a formare i giovani artigiani in Africa

L’associazione è al lavoro con Ethical fashion initiative per aprire in una scuola di Nairobi, in Kenya, una sezione dedicata all’insegnamento del mestiere conciario e della lingua italiana. Gli studenti più meritevoli potranno arrivare in Italia per proseguire il loro percorso. «Lo step successivo sarà quello di replicare l’idea in Costa d’Avorio», spiega a MFF il vicepresidente Riccardo Braccialini

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Il Folgio – Agli ‘Stati generali della pelletteria’ confronto sul futuro

Ricca e partecipata, la tavola rotonda dedicata interamente alla formazione con la partecipazione di Simone Cipriani, fondatore e direttore di Ethical Fashion Initiative, un programma dell’ITC, agenzia delle Nazioni Unite e dell’OMC.

Cruciali i contributi di Riccardo Braccialini, vicepresidente di Assopellettieri, e Massimiliano Guerrini, Consulente Responsabile dell’Area Formazione di Assopellettieri.

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Fashion Network – Stati Generali della Pelletteria: la quarta edizione si è svolta a Firenze

Ricca e partecipata, la tavola rotonda dedicata interamente alla formazione con la partecipazione di Simone Cipriani, fondatore e direttore di Ethical Fashion Initiative, un programma dell’ITC, agenzia delle Nazioni Unite e dell’OMC.
Cruciali i contributi di Riccardo Braccialini, vicepresidente di Assopellettieri, e Massimiliano Guerrini, Consulente Responsabile dell’Area Formazione di Assopellettieri. Entrambi i relatori hanno sottolineato l’importanza di modificare le modalità narrative del settore anche attraverso l’impiego di tecnologie di uso comune tra i giovani come la realtà aumentata e quella virtuale.

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Milano Luxury Life – CNMI Sustainable fashion awards 2023 celebra l’eccellenza nella moda sostenibile

L’industria della moda italiana ha compiuto un altro passo verso la sostenibilità domenica 24 settembre 2023, quando la Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana (CNMI), in collaborazione con l’Ethical Fashion Initiative (EFI) delle Nazioni Unite ITC e la Ellen MacArthur Foundation, con il supporto del Comune di Milano, ha ospitato i CNMI Sustainable Fashion Awards 2023.

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FORBES – The Bicester Collection Celebrates Emerging Fashion Talent With CNMI Sustainable Fashion Awards

In collaboration with the United Nations Ethical Fashion Initiative (EFI) and with support from the Municipality of Milan, Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana (CNMI) organized a press conference today to pre-sent the 2023 CNMI Sustainable Fashion Awards ceremony to be held on 24 September at Milan’s Teatro alla Scala at the close of the Milano Fashion Week.Pictured here at the 2022 awards

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Pambianco News – Cnmi Sustainable Fashion Awards: a settembre l’evento della moda green

Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana, in collaborazione con la Ethical Fashion Initiative (Efi) delle Nazioni Unite e con il supporto del Comune di Milano, torna con la sesta edizione dei Cnmi Sustainable Fashion Awards, l’evento dedicato alla moda sostenibile in programma il 24 settembre presso il Teatro alla Scala di Milano.

La serata, organizzata come di consueto in chiusura di Milano Moda Donna, vedrà protagoniste importanti personalità del fashion system che si sono distinte per l’impegno dedicato alla sostenibilità – per visione, innovazione, impegno per l’artigianato, economia circolare, diritti umani, giustizia ambientale e biodiversità.

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Fashion Times – Stella McCartney Rafia Basket Bag: le borse da spiaggia realizzate in modo etico

Le artigiane sono le protagoniste della realizzazione di queste speciali borse in rafia: sono tessitrici di cesti Hadithi in Kenya, in collaborazione con l’Ethical Fashion Initiative (EFI). Oggi l’EFI impiega in modo consapevole e redditizio oltre 1.000 persone, la maggior parte delle quali sono donne. Agli artigiani qualificati vengono garantite buone condizioni di lavoro che rispettano le leggi internazionali sul lavoro e i diritti umani.

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Le Monde – Au Burkina Faso, Cabes, fournisseur expert en indigo, bogolan et faso dan fani

Derrière certains de ses textiles, on trouve un même fournisseur : Cabes (pour Commerce et artisanat pour le bien-être social). Lukhanyo Mdingi avait entendu parler de ce regroupement burkinabé lorsqu’il avait intégré, en 2020, l’accélérateur Ethical Fashion Initiative, une agence des Nations unies et de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce soutenue par l’Union européenne.

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Spaghettimag – Sostenibilità e iniziative nel mondo del fashion

Inoltre, come affermato da Simone Cipriani, founder e direttore dell’EFI-Ethical fashion initiative delle Nazioni Unite e chair della UN alliance for Sustainable fashion, la sostenibilità è un tema complesso, che comprende non solo la biodiversità o il consumo del suolo e la deforestazione, o ancora lo sfruttamento delle acque, ma anche la tutela del lavoro e dei diritti umani.

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Wallpaper – Emporio Armani’s new sustainably-minded collection is inspired by natural landscapesWallpaper

Also in the collection is a collaboration with Artisan Fashion, an initiative set up under the United Nations Ethical Fashion Initiative. Based in sub-Saharan Africa, its aim is to employ experienced artisans via a connected chain of social enterprises – oftentimes with all-female artisans – to create jewellery, homeware, bags and accessories for brands worldwide (alongside Emporio Armani, these include Vivienne Westwood and Stella McCartney).

Here, a community of women in Kenya collaborate with Emporio Armani on a limited-edition series of shopper bags. The scheme ensures fair wages and access to an international marketplace, as well as preserving local and traditional craft.

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