

Carmen Busquets – UN Ethical Fashion Initiative: Not Charity, Just Work

After gaining experience working in the leather industry in Italy, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, China, Tunisia and Morocco, Cipriani relocated to Ethiopia to work for the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) setting up service centers for the local leather industry. Meeting and working with micro-producers he saw an opportunity to connect skilled artisans with the fashion industry for mutual benefit, and this was the inspiration behind the Ethical Fashion Initiative.

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Fashion United – En Afrique, la mode s’exploite comme vecteur de développement

En Afrique, l’Initiative de Mode Ethique (Ethical Fashion Initiative/EFI), créée en 2009 par Simone Cipriani, exploite la mode comme vecteur de développement. Les artisans locaux peuvent fabriquer des produits de mode éthique à valeur ajoutée pour les créateurs de mode internationaux. En tant qu’initiative des Nations Unies, leur travail est évalué à l’aide d’un outil mesurant l’impact positif et les résultats tangibles pour les communautés avec lesquelles il travaille. Cette organisation encourage les jeunes talents de la mode locale et leur permet de créer des collaborations éthiques, durables et créatives avec des artisants du continent pour ensuite être promues à l’international.

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Thrive Global – Ethical fashion and sustainability

Founded in 2009, the Ethical Fashion Initiative is headed by Simone Cipriani, an industry practitioner with a long history working around the world. In the past, Cipriani has promoted sustainability through working with micro-producers and artisans in Africa, connecting them to the western world, and encouraging successful partnerships.

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ELLE – Thương hiệu thời trang xa xỉ nước Anh Vivienne Westwood và cuộc cách mạng thời trang xanh

Thương hiệu thời trang Vivienne Westwood được thành lập bởi NTK người Anh Vivienne Westwood vào năm 1971. Lời phát biểu mạnh mẽ của “nữ hoàng nổi loạn tóc đỏ” đã truyền cảm hứng đến mọi ngóc ngách của cuộc sống: “Chúng ta cần thay đổi đạo đức và bộ máy tài chính cũng như cách chúng ta thấu hiểu thế giới. Đó là phải là thế giới nơi mà con người sống thay vì chết; một thế giới bền vững”.

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VOGUE Italia – Kinabuti: moda etica e immigrazione

La moda come strumento di sviluppo economico e avanzamento sociale nelle comunità e nelle zone disagiate della Nigeria: questo è Kinabuti, un brand etico con una mission sociale nato nel 2010 dal sogno di due donne italiane, Caterina Bortolussi, friulana che da 12 anni vive in Nigeria, in partnership con Francesca Rosset.

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Eco Business – The top 5 manufacturing stories in 2017

Activists were vocal about getting businesses and consumers to address worker exploitation in global supply chains. The Ethical Fashion Initiative called on companies to put people above profit at the heart of business models and the Stop Child Labour Coalition launched a campaign for brands to share profits to keep children in school. 

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WWD – Nest Panelists Share Insights on Evolution of Luxury Goods, Craftsmanship

The panelists acknowledged an increased interest in authenticity, heritage and social responsibility among consumers. Cipriani said that carefully crafted authentic goods were “what fashion used to be” prior to mass production, standardization of labor, compression of costs and “big” marketing strategies. And preceding standardization, luxury brands were full of artisans, according to Cipriani.

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IT Fashion – CAMPER APUESTA POR LA MODA ÉTICA No charity. Just work

“El objetivo de este programa insignia del Centro de Comercio Internacional (ITC) es facilitar a los pequeños productores de países en vías de desarrollo la posibilidad de colaborar con marcas reconocidas de la industria de la moda. Esta unión crea empleo digno y justo en Etiopía”, dicen desde Camper. Además, los zapatos están teñidos manualmente por lo que su impacto ecológico es menor.

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FASHIONZ – Style File: Jade Leigh Kelly from Karen Walker

What has been the highlight of your career so far?
Working with the United Nations’ Ethical Fashion Initiative in Africa is definitely top of my highlights list. We work with the EFI’s artisans to create accessories using their local and traditional techniques such as beading, embroidery, screen-printing and metal work. After each collection we receive an impact report explaining how the Karen Walker order impacted on the community and the individual. It’s extremely rewarding and humbling to see. Going to Kenya to meet with the initiative and artisans we work with is also a life highlight!

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ELUXE Magazine – Fashion films with impact: Noir Tribe’s Ethetics

“Not Charity, Just Work.”

That’s the Ethical Fashion Initiative’s motto, and it reflects how they help communities grow through fashion: by providing them the tools for a continuous empowerment. The EFI (a flagship program of the World Trade Organization and the United Nations) connects artisans from around the developing world to the international value chain of fashion, consequently transforming fashion into a vehicle for development.

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Ecouterre – Eco Fashion Predictions for 2017

Another year, another opportunity to begin afresh. But what does 2017 hold for the fashion industry? We asked more than 40 eco-fashion movers and shakers, including an overseer of a multi-brand conglomerate, Greenpeace campaigner, a founding dean, a fashion compliance attorney, a vegan footwear designer, a “slow fashion” boutique owner, and a few of our media comrades in arms to play soothsayer and offer predictions for the year ahead.

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