

MilanToday – In arrivo una Milano Fashion Week all’insegna della sostenibilità

Sostenibilità nel campo della moda
Il 25 settembre, presso il Teatro La Scala, si terrà la quinta edizione dei CNMI Sustainable Fashion Awards, organizzati in collaborazione con l’Ethical Fashion Initiative (EFI) delle Nazioni Unite, con il supporto del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale, dell’Agenzia ICE e del Comune di Milano.
Durante la serata di gala, presentata da Rossy De Palma, verranno premiati i progetti realizzati nell’ultimo anno e dedicati alla moda sostenibile.
La giuria verrà presieduta da Dame Ellen McArthur.

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LUXIDERS – The Role of Indigenous Cultures In Slow Fashion


A public-private partnership, Ethical Fashion Initiative was founded by Simone Cipriani in 2009, with the objective of offering sustainable services, products and development projects in the fashion industry. Which works based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals to create economic opportunities for creative businesses. Its Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) framework helps ethnic communities, designers and brands to reduce risks at their supply chain.

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MF Fashion – Milano riaccende i riflettori sul green

La moda italiana sta facendo dei passi in avanti in campo sostenibile, ma serve collaborazione tra le istituzioni, i brand, il settore privato. Oltre a nuovi strumenti per la gestione dei rischi nell’ambiente. Lo afferma Simone Cipriani, founder e direttore dell’Efi-Ethical fashion initiative delle Nazioni Unite che sarà partner dei Cnmi sustainable fashion awards. L’evento di Camera nazionale della moda italiana, in schedule per domenica sera presso il Teatro alla Scala durante la fashion week milanese, riunirà i maggiori esperti e le griffe per accendere i riflettori sulla necessità di un impegno globale. Come ha spiegato lo stesso Cipriani in questa intervista a MFF.

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FQ Magazine – Fashion Week, “il 2022 vede il fatturato del settore moda più alto da vent’anni”: così Milano si prepara ad accogliere le sfilate

Tutto questo sarà celebrato nel grande evento di domenica 25 settembre, in cui inaugureremo la nuova partnership con L’Ethical Fashion Initiative delle Nazioni Unite e l’accordo sull’economia circolare con la Ellen MacArthur Foundation attraverso il ritorno del nostro evento CNMI Sustainable Fashion Awards”, ha concluso Capasa.

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PD Kenya – Daring designers giving Nairobi a fashionable name 

Earlier this year, he was supported by the Ethical Fashion Initiative to study a two-month fashion course in Florence, Italy specialising in bags and accessories.

He learnt about bag design, the history of fashion and how to expand his business. This experience enabled Awale to elevate his vision and he has decided to relaunch his label in September as Rummage Studios with a new brand identity focused on global expansion.

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BBC – Kenya fashion: The designers giving Nairobi a fashionable name

ounded in 2013 by Mohamed Awale, Suave Studios has established itself as one of the most exciting brands in the city’s flourishing fashion scene.

It takes discarded fabrics and turns them into items such as backpacks, messenger bags and smaller goods like wallets and passport holders.

Awale draws inspiration from Gikomba, a huge, sprawling, open-air second-hand clothes market in Nairobi, the largest of its kind in East Africa.

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The Spin Off – Why Venice aims to become the first capital for sustainable fashion

Through this forum we intend to systematize the concrete work we have been carrying out for more than ten years with all the brands in our association, as well as with the main associations dealing with fashion in Italy and with exceptional partners, such as the United Nations’ Ethical Fashion Initiative and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, which over the years has made the CNMI a world leader on sustainability in fashion.”

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Fashion Magazine – A settembre tornano alla ribalta i Sustainable Fashion Awards

Un’iniziativa realizzata in partnership con l’Ethical Fashion Initiative delle Nazioni Unite, con il sostegno tra gli altri di Ice Agenzia. C’è attesa per questo ritorno in presenza, dopo la lunga parentesi della pandemia che aveva portato a un’edizione digitale nel 2020. Fra i 12 premi spiccano il Visionary Award, lo Human Rights Award e la statuetta destinata ai nuovi talenti.

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Fashion Network – CNMI hosts New York luncheon to fete upcoming Sustainable Fashion Awards and promote its objective

​Held at Casa Cipriani on South Street in lower Manhattan, the lunch was made possible in collaboration with the Ethical Fashion Initiative (EFI) of the United Nations, a program of the International Trade Center, and with the support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Italian Trade Agency, and the Milan City Council.

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Elle – 20 preguntas (y respuestas) rápidas sobre moda responsable

La Ethical Fashion Initiative, creada en 2010 y respaldada por la ONU, pone en contacto a artesanos y trabajadores textiles de países en vías de desarrollo (Uzbekistán, Haití, Afganistán, Kenia, Medellín, Mumbai, Burkina Faso…) con marcas con un ideario sostenible. Su portavoz, Simone Cipriano, explica que «el 95 % de las beneficiarias son mujeres, cabezas de familia. El fin último es que trabajen en condiciones justas y seguras, puedan convertirse en emprendedoras independientes y de paso se dé visibilidad y crédito a técnicas milenarias».

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Marie Claire – Fashion Our Future: what you missed at Marie Claire and Kering’s landmark sustainability summit

Also joining Andrea on the panel was Founder and Manager of the Ethical Fashion Initiative Simone Cipriani, who highlighted the role of socially conscious fashion in raising women in developing countries out of poverty.

“Climate change is bringing about extreme living conditions, which make it more difficult for women who face the burden of survival for their family – to find food, find fuel, and so on. It increases the social burden on them,” he told the room.

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MSN – Come sarà la moda di domani?

“La durabilità è un lungo viaggio”, ha affermato Simone Cipriani, fondatore dell’Ethical Fashion Initiative che lavora con designer dell’Africa e dell’Asia centrale. Gli sforzi di oggi daranno frutti solo tra qualche anno, motivo per cui è importante iniziare ad agire subito.

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Fashion United – Des Sustainable Fashion Awards pour récompenser la mode durable

Pour la première fois, la CNMI a mis en place un comité consultatif composé d’organisations à but non lucratif spécialistes de la mode durable. Ce comité a sélectionné et proposé les candidats à un jury international de douze personnes, présidé par Dame Ellen MacArthur, de la Fondation Ellen MacArthur. Afin de mesurer la durabilité du secteur et déterminer les prix, un tableau préliminaire de diligence raisonnable en matière d’ESG (Environmental, Social, & Governance) , créé par l’Ethical Fashion Initiative (EFI) en collaboration avec la CNMI, a été utilisé.

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WWD – Lukhanyo Mdingi Spring 2023

You might call it the epitome of slow fashion. The fruit of his relationship with a community of weavers in Burkina Faso, Lukhanyo Mdingi’s coed collection was a long-cooking affair that melded archival elements with variations on local weaving and dyeing techniques. The South African designer was introduced to the CABES social enterprise.

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Bellevue – Welche Trends dieses Jahr am Salone del Mobile den Ton angeben

The Ethical Fashion Initiative (EFI) exhibited at Alcova on the site of the former military hospital and brought Central Asian craftsmen and designers to the Italian design metropolis. The exhibition “Kârvân Journey” alludes to the caravans that traveled the Silk Road and enabled the exchange of goods, ideas and culture. The exhibition, curated by Cristiano Seganfreddo, was supported by UNESCO and the European Union.

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Предприниматель из Туркменистана принимает участие в проекте «Ethical Fashion Initiative»

Туркменский предприниматель Шасенем Гарлыева со своим брендом изделий из верблюжьей шерсти «Iner Unique Camel Wool» принимает участие в инициативном проекте «Ethical Fashion Initiative» (EFI), который проходит в галерее Alcova в Милане с 5 по 12 июня.

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ELLE – I premi della moda sostenibile di Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana tornano alla Milano Fashion Week

“La Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana avverte la responsabilità di continuare a essere un laboratorio permanente con una funzione strategica – spiega Carlo Capasa, Presidente di Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana. – Il premio, che verrà assegnato ogni anno, farà il punto di un lavoro di monitoraggio, informazione, confronto che nelle nostre intenzioni non si fermerà mai. In tal modo CNMI vuole essere un punto di riferimento e di stimolo non solo per il sistema della moda ma per tutte quelle che devono diventare le buone pratiche quotidiane”.

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Fashion United – CNMI reveals details of 2022 Sustainable Fashion Awards

Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana (CNMI) has revealed its plans for the upcoming 2022 CNMI Sustainable Fashion Awards, which is set to be held on September 25 at La Scala Theatre in Milan, coinciding with the end of Milan Fashion Week.

The event will be hosted in collaboration with the Ethical Fashion Initiative (EFI) of the United Nations, with support from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

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