

WWD – Lukhanyo Mdingi Men’s Fall 2022

Mdingi, one of the three joint winners of the Karl Lagerfeld Special Jury Prize at the LVMH ceremony in September, was inspired by a recent visit to Burkina Faso, where he produces part of his men’s and women’s collections as part of a partnership with the Ethical Fashion Initiative.

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Corriere Fiorentino – Dal Kenya a Firenze per studiare al Polimoda: la storia di tre giovani designer

Arrivano a Firenze dal Kenya per studiare al Polimoda. È una storia di collaborazione quella tra la scuola di moda fiorentina e l’Accelerator del Ethical Fashion Initiative che ha portato alla assegnazione di tre borse di studio ad altrettanti designer di moda che ora possono approfondire copetenze di settore studiando per otto settimane nell’Istituto diretto da Massimiliano Giornetti. Katungulu Mwendwa (Katush) e Mohamed Awale (Suave) e Louise Sommerlatte (Hamaji) sono i designer scelti da EFI Designer Accelerator, programma di 2 anni progettato per accompagnare i marchi selezionati verso il successo nel mercato globale.

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The Mag UZ – Этичная мода с Симоне Чиприани

В начале ноября 2021 года состоялся официальный визит Симоне Чиприани, главы Руководящего комитета Альянса ООН по устойчивой моде, а также создателя и руководителя программы «Инициатива этичной моды» (EFI) Международного торгового центра, который является совместным агентством ООН и ВТО, в рамках реализации программы по этичной моде в нашем регионе. О важности внедрения философии устойчивого развития и перспективах внедрения Инициативы этичной моды в Узбекистане с нами поделились Симоне Чиприани и Ёкут Шмид — региональный координатор проекта по Средней Азии.

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Vogue India – Meet Jeanne De Kroon, designer behind Zazi Vintage on building a consciously cool brand

How did the collaboration with the UN Ethical Fashion Initiative come about?
I was at the UN Ness Summit on the handworker economy wearing one of the Suzani coats, which was spotted by Simone Cipriani, the visionary head of Ethical Fashion Initiative, who has connected international brands like Vivienne Westwood and Stella McCartney with artisans. He put me in touch with female led brands and collectives, including across Central Asia. One of our partners is Ozara, a social enterprise set up in 2014 by the National Association of Business Women in Tajikistan, to offer women income generating activities and sell Tajik handmade embroidered objects – the most popular being Suzanis.

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UN Today – Simone Cipriani, Head of the Ethical Fashion Initiative at ITC and Secretary of the UN Alliance on Sustainable Fashion

The Ethical Fashion Initiative (EFI) was born in 2019 in Korogocho, Nairobi, as a supply chain that enables artisans and micro-entrepreneurs from very marginalized backgrounds to work in a fair and dignified way with international brands from the fashion and lifestyle sector. Today, we are suppliers of many big brands including Loewe, Vivienne Westwood, United Arrows and Mimco to name but a few, and our operations expand from Haiti to Africa and Central Asia, including Afghanistan.

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Dakar Echo – L’Ethical Fashion Initiative consacre un évènement à la création africaine

L’EFI met l’Afrique à l’honneur. L’organisme, destiné à mettre en relation des artisans issus de communautés défavorisées avec des grandes marques des secteurs de la mode, de la décoration et de l’alimentation, lance les Ethical Fashion Days, dont l’objectif est de valoriser la création de mode africaine en France.

Le week-end de lancement des Ethical Fashion Days aura lieu les 30 et 31 octobre prochains – EFI

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Yahoo – Ethical Fashion Initiative to Launch Paris Fashion Week Events

PARIS — The Ethical Fashion Initiative is coming to Paris next season, with events during Paris Fashion Week that it hopes will provide international visibility to African designers and attract investors.

The program, founded and managed by Simone Cipriani, is a flagship initiative of the International Trade Centre, a Geneva-based joint agency of the United Nations and World Trade Organization. What started out as a platform for connecting global lifestyle brands with artisans worldwide has expanded into an accelerator for African brands.

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WWD – F4D Pitches Living Sustainably as the New Fashion at Inaugural Banquet

Held in advance of Sunday’s United Nations Day, the dinner was held in cooperation with the United Nations Mission of Italy and Permanent Representative Ambassador Maurizio Massari. The Ethical Fashion Initiative was among the supporting partners its founder Simone Cipriani, who also serves as chairperson of the U.N. Alliance for Sustainable Fashion, spoke of the urgency for change.

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Both Timothée and Zendaya went maximalist with these looks, in various, eclectic patterns, textures, colors and fabrics, this duo was a sight for sore eyes. Zendaya took this look directly off the Vivienne Westwood Spring 2020 runway, with a chained corset and a checkered midi skirt. According to Vivienne Westwood, the the corset was made from “oxidized brass” and the Bogolan fabric skirt was “printed with natural dye created in collaboration with the Ethical Fashion Initiative.” Again, styled by Law Roach.

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Glitz – African Designers storm Paris Fashion Week on back of EFI Designer Accelerator Programme

Five African designers, Lukhanyo Mdingi, Jiamini, Margaux Wong, Suave and Hamaji, opened Paris Fashion Week this season after participating in a world class mentoring programme facilitated by the Ethical Fashion Initiative to prepare the designers for the international market. Resulting in five stunning SS22 collections, focused on artisanal and ancient techniques fused with contemporary artistry, the designers redefine ‘Made in Africa’.

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Vanity Fair – Il Premio Istituzionale per la moda sostenibile cambia nome

Dal prossimo anno, il noto riconoscimento assumerà infatti il titolo di CNMI Sustainable Fashion Awards e sarà realizzato in collaborazione con la Ethical Fashion Initiative delle Nazioni Unite. CNMI sente oggi più che mai la responsabilità di interpretare il ruolo che le compete in maniera istituzionale e non c’è istituzione più alta di quella della UN per implementare e promuovere la sostenibilità nella sua accezione più ampia.

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Eco Textiles – CNMI links up with Ethical Fashion Initiative

The National Chamber of Italian Fashion (CNMI) has linked up with the Ethical Fashion Initiative (EFI) to launch an environmental, social and governance (ESG) due diligence and sustainability reporting framework for the fashion industry.

The framework enables stakeholders to access a system aimed at spotting, eliminating and mitigating environmental, social, and corporate governance risks throughout the supply chain.

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The Spin Off – Camera Moda launches new Sustainable Fashion Awards

CNMI created the Green Carpet Fashion Awards in 2017, but will not be continued as the collaboration with its initiator Livia Firth and her consulting company Eco-Age has come to an end. The initiative will now take the name CNMI Sustainable Fashion Awards and will be held on September 25, 2022, together with the start of a partnership with the United Nations Ethical Fashion Initiative.

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Visioni e impegni per il futuro sostenibile della moda. Lo ha ribadito la Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana che alla Milano Fashion Week ha reso noto un nuovo e importante progetto che vede scendere in campo le Nazioni Unite. A dare l’annuncio Carlo Capasa (foto) presidente di Camera Moda alla cena di gala nel Salone delle Cariatidi. Insieme a EFI (the Ethical Fashion Initiative – ITC) nasce il premio ’Cnmi Sustainable Fashion Awards’ e si terrà il 25 settembre 2022 al Teatro alla Scala.

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The Sustainable Fashion Awards were initially conceptualized in 2017, and will be fully brought to life next fall. The goal is to “not only with a regard to sustainability in the broadest sense, but also considering inclusion and diversity, in a wide-ranging and varied awareness that helps us overcome all kinds of discrimination,” said Carlo Capasa, the President of National Chamber of Italian Fashion.

To achieve this goal, CNMI will team up with the United Nations Ethical Fashion division. “There is no higher institution than the United Nations to implement and promote sustainable fashion,” said Capasa. They hope to integrate sustainability in the broadest sense and encourage brands to use more eco-friendly practices. Together with the U.N. CNMI launched its first ESG DUe Diligence and Reporting Framework.

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Fashion Network – Les Oscars italiens de la mode verte changent de nom et de partenaire

Nouveau nom, nouvelle formule et nouveau partenaire pour les Oscars italiens de la mode écologique. Lancés en 2017 par la Camera della Moda (CNMI) avec l’agence de conseil britannique Eco-Age fondée par Livia Firth, les Green Carpet Fashion Awards évoluent. Rebaptisés “CNMI Sustainable Fashion Awards”, ils s’associent désormais avec l’Ethical Fashion Initiative.

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Corriere Della Serra – A Palazzo Reale la cena del Sindaco Sala omaggio alla moda sostenibile

Il premio sarà realizzato in collaborazione con la Ethical Fashion Iniziative della Nazioni Unite. Alla serata a Palazzo Reale presenti stiliste e stilisti, imprenditrici e imprenditori. Un evento che has posto l’accento sulla ripresa e la rinascita di Milano come capitale della creatività non solo italiana ma internazionale, e del primato della moda italiana nella trasformazione di una creatività sostenibile e di profondo rispetto nei confronti dell’ambiante.

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WWD – Italian Fashion Chambers Partners With U.N. Ethical Fashion Initiative for Sustainability Awards

The Italian fashion chamber has switched partners for its awards focused on sustainability.

While from 2017 until recently it collaborated with Eco Age on the Green Carpet Fashion Awards, given once a year during an event in Milan, its president Carlo Capasa revealed during a dinner on Wednesday night that the association has kicked off a partnership with the United Nations Ethical Fashion Initiative.

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Fashion Magazine IT – Cnmi: appuntamento tra un anno con i Sustainable Fashion Awards

Chiusa la parentesi Green Carpet Fashion Awards (a causa della rottura dell’intesa con Eco-Age di Livia Firth), la Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana (Cnmi) torna a puntare sulla moda sostenibile con una nuova iniziativa, i Cnmi Sustainable Fashion Awards, in collaborazione con Ethical Fashion Initiative: una partnership pubblico-privata di un programma delle Nazioni Unite volto a connettere i marchi della moda, dell’interior design e del fine food con creativi, artigiani e micro-imprese dei Paesi emergenti.

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PAMBIANCO News – Cnmi cambia green award. Sarà con le Nazioni Unite

Il premio sarà realizzato in collaborazione con la Ethical Fashion Initiative delle Nazioni Unite. “Camera della Moda sente oggi più che mai la responsabilità di interpretare il ruolo che le compete in maniera istituzionale, e non c’è istituzione più alta di quella delle UN per implementare e promuovere la sostenibilità nella sua accezione più ampia”, ha sottolineato Carlo Capasa, presidente di Cnmi in occasione dell’incontro che si è tenuto ieri sera.

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Periodico Daily – Milan Climate & Fashion Talks alla Camera della Moda

In occasione della Milan Fashion Week e Milano Pre-COP026 21 Settembre 2021, 3pm – 4.30pm CEST – evento online CNMI (Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana) e EFI (the Ethical Fashion Initiative – ITC) sono orgogliosi di lanciare il primo ESG Due Diligence and Reporting Framework per l’industria della moda e di ospitare il Milan Climate & Fashion Talks, un evento online che si terrà durante la Milano Fashion Week, nel quale si discuterà il rapporto tra moda e crisi climatica in vista del COP26.

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LE News – Milano Fashion Week: il calendario definitivo

Sottolineando il ruolo chiave di CNMI come promotore e acceleratore del cambiamento sostenibile all’interno del sistema moda, il 21 settembre alle 15 l’associazione italiana e l’Ethical Fashion Initiative dell’International Trade Center, insieme con l’United Nations Alliance for Sustainable Fashion, daranno vita a un talk digitale. Intitolato “Milan Climate & Fashion Talks – A message from the Milan Fashion Week to the Milan climate pre- COP26”, l’evento virtuale, moderato da Claire Press, vedrà Carlo Capasa (Presidente CNMI), Simone Cipriani (Head – Ethical Fashion Initiative and Chairman of the UN Alliance for Sustainable Fashion) e alcuni rappresentanti delle agenzie delle Nazioni Unite dialogare sulle tematiche della sostenibilità in previsione dei COP26 summit, in programma in ottobre.

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