
Rooze Mabada – For a Rainy Day; Showcasing the work of Iranian artists

“Rooze-Mabada” [For a Rainy Day] is a group show featuring nine Iranian artists; Yalda Afsah, Nana Biluš Abaffy Parvin Saljoughi, Hadi Fallapisheh, Ali Meer Azimi, Mostafa Sarabi, Behjat Sadr, Shabahang Tayyari, and Manoucher Yetktai. 

Curated by Gea Politi and Daniele Balice, in collaboration with the ITC Ethical Fashion Initiative .

'For a Rainy Day' Poster by Agenzia del Contemporaneo
The title is a typical expression in the country describing a particular mindset that sets aside pleasant things for a day when you can’t go out. More metaphorically, the title refers to the unique relationship of Iranian culture with the concepts of time and the future. Photo credit: Daniele Fragale
The exhibition cannot hope to cover the breadth of Iranian artists working today. It focuses mainly on artists working with a wide range of mediums, aiming to start a conversation about the identity of an art scene that is often under-represented. Photo credit: Daniele Fragale
Iranians live life from one crisis to the next; no sooner has one passed than preparations begin for the next. After a while, nothing comes as a surprise. Iranians can get used to anything. The culture of rooze-mabada is associated with the Iran-Iraq War, but it existed before that. Photo credit: Daniele Fragale
Someone once said, “I love how melancholy is a good thing for Iranians.” It’s true. They learn to find joy — ultimately the source doesn’t matter. They enjoy listening to Dariush when he sings, “Whether you are with me or not, I will lean on you”. They enjoy sorrow. They even set sad lyrics to joyful melodies. Photo credit: Daniele Fragale
Photo credit: Daniele Fragale

The show is on view until November 15, 2019

Opening hours
Monday—Friday 10 am—1 pm; 2—6 pm

Giardino Segreto
Via Durini 24, 20122 Milano

Photo credit: Daniele Fragale

This event is the result of a collaboration with EFI’s Identity Building and Business Sharing Initiative, funded by the European Union (EU). The programme showcases creativity and talent in cultural sectors like art, photography, cinema and music, in seven dynamic countries: Cote d’Ivoire, Eritrea, Mali, Uganda, Iran, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. EFI works together with leading private sector players to strengthen culture sectors and increase cultural exports. More than any other product, culture reflects a people’s uniqueness, value and heritage. Strengthening culture sectors builds social capital and reinforces identities, as well as generating trade and business opportunities.