
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan & Turkmenistan

Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan

The handcraft tradition is steeped in the culture of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan, and EFI recognises both the value of protecting this and the opportunity for decent work that these traditions provide. EFI aims to support these industries by developing entrepreneurial skills and providing access to international markets to artisans, micro-producers and designers.

In September 2021, EFI launched the Homeware Accelerator which will support 5 homeware brands from Central Asia to develop their business models and expand their business regionally and internationally.

EFI activities in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan began in 2021 and are carried out in partnership with UNESCO who fund interventions in these countries. 

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in 2020

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Photography courtesy of UNESCO's Silk Roads Heritage Corridors project

EFI's Social Enterprise Partners in Burkina Faso

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Stories From Central Asia